1c cash order. Account cash warrant

1c cash order. Account cash warrant

Greetings readers. Let's continue to deal with the work of the program 1C Enterprise Accounting 8.2.

We have entered, we will deal with the arrival of cash at the checkout.

Accounting for cash is kept on the accounting account "50-Kassa". Incoming cash orders are registered in the debit of the account in correspondence with the credit of the account, depending on the type of operation, the source of cash receipts:

50/62 - payment from the buyer;

50/90 - retail revenue;

50/71 - return from an accountable person;

50/51 - getting cash from the bank;

50/60 - return from the supplier;

50/66 - settlements on short-term credits and loans;

50/76 - settlements with other debtors and creditors;

50/75 - settlements on contributions to the authorized capital or entrepreneur's contribution.

The rules for accounting for funds at the enterprise require the accountant to write out a cash receipt for the amount of receipt, write it down, print it, but not carry it out.

After depositing funds at the cash desk, the cashier draws up the operation, conducts an incoming cash order. The operation enters the register of cash transactions and the cash book.

We open the program 1C Enterprise Accounting 8.2, the main menu.

Cash desk - Incoming cash order - Add. We select the type of operation of the document, we have revenue, OK.

The number will be filled in automatically, the date of the document will be released on the current day. Select an account for analytical accounting, enter the amount of cash receipts.

We fill in the details, select the item of cash flow, the account of the operating cash desk, the correspondence of the loan account, in this case - 90.01.1 Revenue under the general taxation system.

Go to the menu item - Print. We fill in the name of the cashier who hands over the trading proceeds, the basis for payment, and the attached documents. Bottom menu - Print - Incoming cash order.

An incoming cash order opens, warning that you must first write it down. We confirm. We check the incoming cash order, if everything is fine, print it out, give it to the cashier.

After depositing cash at the cash desk, the incoming cash order must be posted, this is done by the cashier.

The transaction enters the business journal. In this case, it is 50/90.01.1 - Revenue.

We talk about the features of working with online cash registers in the 1C: Accounting 8 * program and give useful recommendations ranging from the choice of equipment, its connection and program settings, to the reflection of individual retail sales operations using online cash registers - working with certificates, returning goods from buyer.

How to make sure that the equipment is compatible with "1C: Accounting 8"

In "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0, the reflection of wholesale and retail sales operations with cash and payment cards is supported in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003. The program allows you to connect cash equipment of various types.

In order for the online cash desk to work correctly, it is recommended to use certified cash desks. Learn about models of certified equipment supported in 1C,. All of the listed equipment has been tested by 1C, so the performance of the Applied Solution - Driver - Equipment complex is guaranteed.

The delivery of certified drivers includes the necessary utilities, etc. for the correct configuration and operation of the equipment. There is also an additional list of hardware models supported by the drivers.

Connected equipment

You can connect CCP in the program in the form Connecting and configuring equipment from the section Administration - Connected Equipment(Fig. 1) . For each cash register registered for a particular organization, you need to create your own copy Connected equipment.

Sequentially fill in all the fields of the reference form. Please note the field Organization must be filled in correctly in accordance with the data specified during the registration of the fiscal device.

If there is only one organization in the infobase, then the field with the same name Organization not showing in the form Connected equipment.

Equipment in the program can also be linked to a warehouse.

You must select a warehouse in the field of the same name if you need to punch a check in relation to a specific taxation system. For example, when using OSNO and UTII, the program can be configured to print checks on equipment only for OSNO, since according to Law No. 54-FZ for UTII, the obligation to use online cash registers is introduced from 07/01/2018. In other cases, there is no need to specify a warehouse.

Rice. 1. Connected equipment

Settings before you start

Information about the cashier

Before starting work, you must specify an individual - a cashier for the current user of the program in the section AdministrationUser rights settings and open the shift (section Bank and cash desk - Fiscal device management)

According to Law No. 54-FZ, the position and surname of the person who made the settlement with the buyer (client) and issued the cash receipt (clause 1, article 4.7) are the mandatory details of a cashier's check.

In accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 21, 2017 No. ММВ-7-20 / 229@ "On approval of additional details of fiscal documents and formats of fiscal documents that are mandatory for use", among the additional details that must be in the check is an identification number (TIN ) cashier.

For more information on what should be indicated on a cash receipt, see the article.

This data will be displayed on the check if the individual's card is filled out correctly (reference book Individuals) (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Individual card

Please note that for the users who will generate checks, the necessary information is filled in the individual's card, the program should apply for a cashier's hiring indicating the position, TIN, etc.

How to apply for a job in 1C:Enterprise 8, see the reference"Personnel accounting and settlements with personnel in the 1C programs" in the Human Resources and Compensation section.

Order No. 229@ approved three versions of fiscal document formats - 1.0, 1.05 and 1.1. Format 1.0 becomes invalid from 01/01/2019.

The TIN must be transferred to the Federal Tax Service through a fiscal data operator (FDO) if the fiscal data format (FFD) is used starting from version 1.05 and only if it is available. If the cashier does not have a TIN or is unknown, then you can not indicate it.

Item accounting accounts

The taxation system for reflection in the check is determined by Item accounting accounts(Fig. 3). Accounts can be set up as Organizations, Warehouse, group or type The nomenclature in general is and for each individual item Nomenclatures.

Rice. 3. Setting up "Accounts for item accounting"

In one check, you can include goods sold only under one taxation system (for example, OSNO or UTII).

If you need to sell a product that is accounted for under different taxation systems, then this is drawn up with different checks, while using different sub-accounts of account 90 “Sales”.

Starting from FFD version 1.05, the program supports the reflection of operations with goods (services) of consignors. In order for the program to correctly determine the commission item, it is also necessary to set up accounting accounts for such goods using the hyperlink Item accounting accounts. In this case, account 004 should act as the accounting account. By the time the check is printed, the goods must be accepted for commission and reflected in the accounting account.

Document "Retail sales (check)"

For registration of retail sales in "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0, a document is used Retail sales (check) from the section Sales. In it, you can generate a check in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 54-FZ, including reflecting the range of goods and all types of payments, as well as printing a Sales receipt, specifying a number to inform the buyer by SMS or e-mail using the fiscal data operator (such the possibility should be provided for in the agreement with the OFD).

If a warehouse was specified in the settings of the connected equipment, then it must be specified in the corresponding field of the document (see above). After adding the product and specifying the price, click the button Accept payment (Cash or card), then - Print receipt.

Agency services

Realized agency services in the check must be indicated on the "Agent services" tab. If the organization acts as a paying agent, this should be noted separately in the contract card.

If in a contract with a view With a committent (principal) for sale it is indicated that the organization acts as a paying agent, then a list of details will be offered.

Note that in the FFD 1.05 format, the receipt cannot combine the services of a paying agent with other goods. In the 1.1 format, there is no such restriction. Information about the paying agent, as well as the owner of the goods for format 1.1, can be indicated on each line of the check.

If the goods (services) are commission, then the fiscal data operator (OFD) will receive information about the committent. For the format of fiscal documents 1.05 - for the check as a whole, for FFD 1.1 - for each item separately.

Working with gift certificates

To register the sale of a certificate, use the document Retail Sales, Check on the bookmark Sale of certificates(Fig. 4).

A certificate for the purpose of transmitting information about sales of FDO in version 1.0 of the fiscal document format is reflected as a sale of goods, and in FFD 1.05 and higher - as an advance payment.

Acceptance of the certificate for payment is reflected in the same document on the tab Cashless payments.

Certificate payment for:

  • FFD 1.0 - electronic payment;
  • FFD 1.05 and above - advance payment offset.

Rice. 4. Sale of goods using a gift certificate

Closing the shift

There are two ways to close a shift:

  • from list form Retail sales(if they were) with the formation of a check (document Retail sales report by button close) – see fig. 5;
  • from the management of the fiscal registrar (if retail sales were not carried out).

If the organization had retail sales during the shift, then the first option is recommended, since the program will automatically make all the necessary documents and postings . Please note that the shift must be closed by the cashier user whose data will be transferred to the OFD.

Rice. 5. Closing the shift

If the shift is closed from the menu item Fiscal registrar management, then the Retail Sales Report (RSR) is not generated. In this case, you can fill in the PPR manually.


In order for a receipt to be printed with a commodity composition, it is necessary, first of all, to create Buyer invoice(Fig. 6). An invoice can be created on the basis of a document Implementations.

Rice. 6. Document "Invoice to the buyer"

Based on the formed Accounts a document is created Cash flow(Fig. 7). After posting the document using the "Print receipt" command, you can print the receipt.

If several fiscal devices are registered in the system, then when you press the button Print receipt the program will prompt you to select the device on which the receipt will be printed.

The device must be registered to the organization for which the document is being printed.

Rice. 7. Window "Print receipt"

Window Receipt printing will look different depending on the version of the fiscal document format. If format 1.0 is applied, there will be no columns Sign of the calculation method and Sign of the subject of calculation. The specified columns will be if the format 1.05 is applied (see Fig. 7).
Sign of the calculation method depends on the ratio of the amount of payment, shipment and the amount of the invoice, full prepayment or partial. If the payment has not been linked to the account before, then the prepayment amount can be entered manually in the field Paid earlier.

If the full name of the cashier and his TIN were not previously indicated, they can be entered for a specific operation directly in the form (Fig. 8). This can be done for any FFD versions.

Unlike the document Check in the window Receipt printing it is possible to select the taxation system that will be displayed in the receipt (field Check Taxation).

Rice. 8. Entering cashier details for a specific operation

In the shape of Receipt printing you can specify whether you sell your own goods or act as a paying agent or intermediary (and indicate its details) (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Indication of details of the paying agent

If payment is made in several stages, then to print a check for additional payment upon sale, open Buyer invoice and create on its basis Implementation. After the implementation, one more cash receipt should be made for a surcharge. fields Cash payment and Paid earlier will automatically be filled in with the appropriate amounts, and will also change Sign of the calculation method on the Loan payment because the download has already been completed. Thus, if all documents are formed Based, then you can see the entire structure of related documents - both shipments and payments.

In the shape of Receipt printing there are icons for specifying e-mail and SMS (Fig. 10), which are sent to the buyer by means of OFD.

Rice. 10. Entering the phone number and e-mail of the buyer.

Then a check is printed (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Entering data on informing the buyer

Rice. 12. Printing a check from the document "Cash receipt"

Return from buyer

When returning money to the buyer in the case when the goods are returned, you also need to issue a check.

In order for the return to be correctly formed in the program, it must be created on the basis of the document Cash flow or document Return of goods from the buyer.

It is impossible to simply create a Cash Withdrawal document (even with a return document specified as a settlement document), since the nomenclature in Cheke will not be filled.

To return the advance, you need to issue a document "Cash Out" based on the document Cash flow" and then, when printing a check, the entire nomenclature will be reflected in the preview form "Accounts for payment" specified in the original document.

Rice. 13. Registration of cash withdrawal upon return of goods by the buyer

To issue cash to the buyer who returned the goods, you should create a document Cash withdrawal(Fig. 13) based on the document Return of goods to the buyer, specify the amount, post the document and print the check (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Printing a check when returning cash to the buyer

If the return is made by payment card (non-cash payment), then you can also print a receipt from the document Payment card transactions by button Print receipt. The type of payment in this case will be electronically(also determined by the document-base).

The return of money to the buyer is carried out similarly, on the basis of the document Payment card transactions. The check is printed on the button Print receipt.

From the editor: You can learn more about the use of online cash registers by watching the video of the lecture “Law No. 54-FZ: recommendations for switching to online cash registers, comprehensive support from 1C” dated 06/22/2017. The video is available for everyone to watch.

BUKH.1C regularly informs readers about all changes related to the use of online cash registers with data transfer to the Federal Tax Service in a special section

An outgoing cash order is a document with which you can issue cash from the cash desk. In this material, we will tell you how it is formed in the accounting program "1C Accounting 8".

The above document is used to reflect the following operations:

Payment of the necessary finances to the supplier (the type of operation is called "Payment to the supplier");

Return money to the buyer (the desired type of operation is “Return to the buyer”);

Issuance of funds under the report (the type of operation called "Issuance to an accountable person" is used);

Salary payment (the type of transaction is called “Payment of wages to employees” or “Payment of wages according to information”).

Depositing funds to a banking institution (type of operation - “Cash deposit to the bank”).

We have indicated the main ones, but there are also other operations for issuing money from the cash desk.

In order to generate an outgoing cash order in the 1C accounting program, you need to go to the tab called “Bank and cash desk”, and then in the section named “Cashier”, select a document called “Outgoing cash order”.

For a new document, by default, the operation type is called "Payment to the supplier". If you need another operation, then you can change it manually. In our example, we will issue funds to the account, so you need to select such an operation type as "Issuance to an accountable person".

After that, we proceed to fill out the document. From the reference book called "Reporting person" in the "Recipient" line, select the reporting person who will receive the finance. Be sure to include the amount of money.

In the line with the name “Cash flow item”, you must indicate “Work with accountable persons”. If this item is not in the directory, then just add it.

At the bottom of the cash receipt document, you need to indicate the purpose for which funds are issued. In our example, these are business expenses.

And also fill out the application, where indicate the statement of the accountable person, on the basis of which a certain amount of money will be issued. It should be noted that according to the new procedure for conducting cash transactions (dated October 12, 2011 with the number 373-P), which entered into force in 2012, the organization’s employee is issued from the cash desk on the basis of an application written by him. The application must be drawn up in the approved form, which should include: a handwritten inscription of the manager of the organization, the amount of cash and the time for which they are issued, the date and signature of the manager of the enterprise.

After that, you need to post the document, view the postings and, if necessary, print out the cash receipt.

Creation of an incoming cash order (PKO) and an outgoing cash order (RKO)

Cash documents in the accounting department are drawn up, as a rule, in two documents: Incoming cash order (hereinafter PKO) and Outgoing cash order (hereinafter RKO). Are intended for acceptance and delivery of cash in cash desk (from cash desk) of the enterprise.

Let's start the review with PKO. As the name implies, this document documents the receipt of money at the cash desk.

Incoming cash order

In 1C Accounting 3.0, the following types of operations can be issued with a PKO document:

  • Receiving payment from the buyer
  • Return of funds from an accountable person
  • Receiving a return from a supplier
  • Getting money from the bank
  • Return on loans and borrowings
  • Repayment of a loan by an employee
  • Other operations on receipt of funds

Such a division is necessary for the correct formation of accounting entries and the book of Income and Expenses.

First of all, we will consider Payment from the buyer, Return from the buyer and Settlements on loans and borrowings, since they are similar in structure and have tabular parts.

All three types of PQS have the same set of fields in the header. These are Number and Date (hereinafter for all documents), Counterparty, Account and Amount.

  • Number - is generated automatically and it is better not to change it.
  • Date is the current date. It should be noted here that if you change the date to a smaller one (for example, the last day) than the current one, when printing the cash book, the program will issue a warning that the numbering of the sheets in the cash book is violated and will offer to recalculate them. It is desirable that the numbering of documents during the day is also consistent. To do this, you can change the time of the document.
  • Counterparty - An individual or legal entity that deposits funds into the cashier. Immediately, I note that this field indicates exactly the Counterparty for which mutual settlements will be conducted. In fact, money can be deposited at the cash desk, for example, by an employee of the Organization - Counterparty. It is selected from the directory Individuals in the Accepted from field. In this case, the full name, from whom the money was received, will be written in the printed form of the PKO.
  • Account Account - In a self-supporting chart of accounts, this is typically 50.1, but you can set up a different default. The offsetting account depends on the type of transaction and is taken from the tabular part of the PKO.

Pay attention to the registration of the amount of money deposited. Payment from the buyer, Return from the buyer and Settlements for credits and loans cannot be issued without specifying the contract. Moreover, the receipt of funds can be done simultaneously under several agreements. That's what the spreadsheet is for. The payment amount is formed from the amounts in the rows of the tabular section. The Settlement Account and the Advances Account (corresponding accounts) are also indicated there. These accounts are configured in the information register Accounts of settlements with counterparties.

Other types of operations should not be difficult. They do not have a tabular part and all filling in the PKO comes down mainly to the choice of the Counterparty. It can be an accountable person, a bank or an employee.

Other operations on receipt of funds reflect any other receipts in the cash desk of the enterprise and generates its own postings. An arbitrary offsetting account is selected manually.

Account cash warrant

Registration of RKO practically does not differ from registration of PKO. In 1C Accounting, there are the following types of cash withdrawals from the cash register:

  • Issuance of payment to the supplier
  • Issuing a return to the buyer
  • Issuance of funds to an accountable person
  • Issuance of wages according to the statement or separately to the employee
  • Cash to bank
  • Issuance of credits and loans
  • Carrying out Collection
  • Issuance of deposited salary
  • Issuing a loan to an employee
  • Other operations for the issuance of funds

Separately, I would like to focus only on the issuance of wages. This type of operation has a tabular section in which one or more payrolls must be specified. The total amount of RKO will be formed from the sums of the statements. Without specifying at least one statement, it will not be possible to conduct an RSC.

When issuing wages, an employee must also indicate a statement, but only one.

When issuing a deposited salary, a statement is not required.

Setting the cash balance limit

In order to set a cash balance limit in 1C 8.3, you need to go to the "Organizations" directory and select the "Limit" item on the "Go to" tab.

Where to click the "Add" button, where to specify from what date the restriction is valid and its size:

Source: programmer1s.ru

How to issue an expense cash warrant in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (version 3.0)


To issue cash from the cash desk of the enterprise - it would seem that it is difficult? But novice accountants also have questions here when it comes to real situations in accounting. What to write in the base, what in the appendix... and so on.

Today in the lesson we will analyze the most common situations in practice in the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program, edition 3.0.

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I remind you that this is a lesson, so you can safely repeat my actions in your database (preferably a copy or a training one).

So let's get started

An account cash warrant (abbreviated RKO or consumable) is a document with the help of which the issuance of funds from the cash desk of an organization is issued.

The consumable form has a unified form KO-2.

The numbering of consumables starts anew every year from one and must be continuous: 1, 2, 3...

The recipient of funds is required to present an identity card (for example, a passport), the details of which are entered in the cash register.

Consumable signed:

  • leader
  • chief accountant or a person authorized to do so
  • cashier
  • recipient of funds.

At the same time, if the signature of the head is already on one of the documents attached to the order and authorizing the issuance of money, then his signature is not required at the RKO.

A disbursement note is not stamped, but a "Paid" stamp may be used to prevent re-issuance of money on the same order.

An account cash warrant is issued in one copy and remains at the cash desk.

Registration of RKO in 1C

To issue an outgoing cash order in the program, go to the "Bank and Cash Desk" section, the "Cash Documents" item:

In the form that opens, click the "Issue" button:

A new document form opens:

Let's analyze its filling in various situations.

Payment to the supplier

On 03/01/2016, 40,000 rubles (excluding VAT) were issued from the cash desk to V.V. Petrov. as payment under contract No. 48 dated February 15, 2016 for chairs according to consignment note No. 351 dated March 1, 2016.

Petrov V.V. acted on behalf of LLC "Supplier" in accordance with the power of attorney No. 17 dated February 20, 2016.

As an identity card, Petrov V.V. presented the passport of the Russian Federation series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Issuance to an accountable person

On 03/01/2016, 5,000 rubles were issued from the cash desk to employee Belkina Anna Grigoryevna for household expenses, according to the application written by her for the issuance of money in the report dated 03/01/2016.

As an identity card, Belkin A.G. presented the Russian Federation passport series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Payment of wages

09/10/2016 senior cashier Fyokla E.B. issued to the cashier Plyushkina I.V. 104,400 rubles for the payment of wages to employees for August 2016 according to payroll No. 1 dated 09/08/2016.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Depositing money to the bank

03/01/2016 Plyushkina I.V. received cash from the cash desk in the amount of 100,000 rubles to be credited to the settlement account of LLC "Jupiter" in the bank "BANK GPB (JSC)".

As an identity card Plyushkina I.V. presented the Russian Federation passport series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Repayment of a loan to a counterparty

03/01/2016 450,000 rubles were issued from the cash desk to Nesterenko L.P. as debt repayment in accordance with loan agreement No. 56 dated February 20, 2016.

As an identity card Nesterenko L.P. presented the passport of the Russian Federation series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Other expense

On 03/01/2016, 3,500 rubles were issued from the cash desk to an employee Nestor Ivanovich Ivashchenko as material assistance.

Application for the issuance of financial assistance Ivashchenko N.I. wrote on 03/01/2016.

As an identity card, Ivashchenko N.I. presented the passport of the Russian Federation series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky district of Moscow dated 21.01.2008.

Filled order in 1s:

Its printed form.
