Frank Sinatra: biography, personal life, photo. Numerous wives and Frank Sinatra's famous mistress

Frank Sinatra: biography, personal life, photo. Numerous wives and Frank Sinatra's famous mistress

The real name of Frank Sinatra (1915-1998) is Francis Albert. Its fame for musical Olympus USA, he owes a brilliant performance of songs, especially love ballads. The most popular song of that time performed by Sinatra, perhaps, can be considered "My Way".

Frank Sinatra remains a legend to this day. Indeed, according to many Americans, it was he who served as the prototype for Johnny from The Godfather, the favorite singer of the Sicilian mafia.

Like all Italians, he had an excellent ear and a pleasant voice, so the idea soon came to him to show the world his singing abilities. Frank became a real find for the local trio. He sang with such feeling that soon the group went on a small tour of America, and it was a huge success.

After touring, Frank met Nancy Barbato (pictured left of Sinatra), who lived in Jersey City. According to the calculations of Sinatra's mother, marrying a modest girl was supposed to calm her adored son, and soon the young people got married. However, Frank did not exemplary family man: it was almost impossible to find him at home, and the money he earned often went past the family budget.

Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra met on the set of the world-famous film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Ava had already been married twice before meeting the singer, but she could not help captivating Frank. According to contemporaries, she was so sexy that there was no man who would not dream of going to bed with her.

Frank found his reflection in Ava, she was just as eccentric and extravagant. One day, during one of his walks around New York at night, Sinatra decided to demonstrate his sniper skills to a fellow traveler by firing at shop windows. The journey ended in prison for Frank: he knocked down a gaping passerby. Justice did not refuse the amount offered by the singer for his freedom, and soon the lovers again traveled around the city, frightening the late townspeople.

Later, Frank admitted that the wedding with Ava Gardner was one of the most big mistakes in his life. Wayward Ava did not obey her husband and earned much more than he did. For their wedding anniversary, Frank gave his wife a diamond ring without telling her that he had used money from her credit card. "I've been married twice, but never for so long," she sneered at a party arranged in honor of this.

Mia Farrow had probably tried on dozens of skimpy dresses before he asked her out for dessert. On Independence Day, Sinatra gave her a ring, and the next morning, the 50-year-old singer married Mia, who was 30 years his junior. Many articles appeared in the press where journalists ridiculed the age of the bride and groom, but Frank was not one of those who endure insults. Through his people, he hunted down the offenders, and they got what they deserved.

Sinatra's married life was not like the love idyll of Hollywood films. Mia, an ambitious nature, did not want to sit next to the aging Frank and organize his leisure. All her thoughts were connected with the cinema. Long and brutal family "wars" led to a divorce.

Until 1975, Sinatra lived as a bachelor. However, he decided to celebrate his 60th birthday with a new marriage. His wife was Barbara Marks, who had previously been married to a famous comedian.

The famous hit "New York, New York" was first performed by Frank in 1976. His Savor seemed to be just beginning. He organized charitable events, and as a result, Ronald Reagan invited Sinatra to attend his inauguration in 1981. He became a welcome guest in the White House, and Nancy Reagan, for example, even invited Sinatra to private receptions. No, he didn't age, he was still on horseback. In 1993, Frank recorded a new disc called "Duets", performing his most famous songs along with Bono, lead singer of the U2 group, Barbara Streisand, Charles Aznavour and other stars. The album was awarded a Grammy Award. The 80th anniversary of Frank Sinatra in 1995 was celebrated by the whole of America, and three years later he was gone.

Sinatra and Monroe in a restaurant in Las Vegas, 1959

Once a newspaper reporter asked Sinatra how he felt about Marilyn Monroe. To which the master of American pop music ironically replied: “She reminds me of a young innocent girl with whom I went to high school high school and who later became a nun. It is a fact".

Sinatra and Monroe's first meeting, according to photographer Milton Green, was at a dinner at Romanov's in 1954, when Marilyn's marriage to DiMaggio was coming apart at the seams. They met again only 6 years later, when Monroe's marriage to Miller broke up.

In August 1961, Marilyn was vacationing on Sinatra's yacht. Everyone present was well aware that she was on the ship as Sinatra's woman, since she lived in his cabin. However, she did not succeed in this role, she tried to seem amiable, but she took too many drugs, from which her speech became generally incomprehensible. Jean Martin said: “I remember that before the yacht trip we went up to Frank’s house and he asked me:“ Will you come in and help Marilyn get dressed so that we can get into the limousine and go? ”She could not bring herself to collect herself.”

Lena Pepitone, Marilyn's maid, recalled how one day her mistress called and ordered to bring her a dress in which she wanted to spend an evening with Sinatra. Then Frank himself called for Marilyn. “He took a box out of his pocket,” Lena said, “and adorned Marilyn’s ears with a pair of emerald earrings. They kissed with such passion that I was embarrassed and felt superfluous.

The 20th century gave the world a lot of bright stars that radically changed the course of cultural history, attitudes towards music and the development of the music industry. But among them it is impossible not to single out a person who for many performers has become a standard and an example to follow, whose songs have fascinated and fascinated several generations of listeners, and his velvety voice is a symbol of the whole world. musical era. Frank Sinatra became a legend during his lifetime, and his work still has great amount fans around the world.

In 1915, in a family of Italians who emigrated to the United States, a hero boy weighing about 6 kilograms was born, who was destined to forever enter the American history. Francis Albert Sinatra dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood, music completely absorbed all his time, so at the age of 13 he began to earn extra money by playing the ukulele in bars. He never received an education, he didn’t even know the notes, since at the age of 16 the future favorite of the public was expelled from school for violations of discipline.

The first step on the musical podium can be called the victory of Sinatra in the group "The Hoboken Four" in the radio competition for young performers in 1935. This victory was followed by the first tour of the group, as well as the work of Frank as a showman in a restaurant. In 1938, Sinatra was nearly imprisoned for having an affair with a married woman, which in those days was a serious violation of the law. Despite the scandal, the singer's career continued to develop rapidly. From 1939 to 1942, Frank played in the famous jazz orchestras of Harry James and Tommy Dorsey. With the latter, Sinatra even entered into a contract for life, which the singer managed to terminate only with the help of the well-known mafia representative Sam Giancana. There is a version that this story found its reflection in cult novel « Godfather”, and Frank himself became the prototype of one of the heroes.

First wife famous pet women became Nancy Barbato, who gave the singer three children. All children in one way or another connected their lives with the music and film industry, and eldest daughter Nancy Sandra Sinatra even became a popular singer.

After an invitation to perform at a concert in New York in 1942, Sinatra met agent George Evans, who further increased his popularity throughout the country.

But there were not only ups and downs in Frank Sinatra's career. Such a failure was for the singer in 1949, when creative crisis and an affair with the famous film star Ava Gardner led to a divorce, dismissal from the radio, cancellation of concerts and termination of the contract with the agent. Although the scandal surrounding the novel did not prevent the two stars from getting married, the marriage lasted only until 1957. At the same time, due to illness, Sinatra lost his voice and fell into deep depression even started thinking about suicide. But a year later, the voice returned, as the audience returned to his concerts. And success in cinema also came: Sinatra received an Oscar for his performance in the film From Here to Eternity.

From that moment on, Frank Sinatra began to host a popular radio show, he was increasingly invited to appear in films, concerts gathered full houses, each new composition became a hit. And in 1960, Sinatra even took part in the presidential campaign of John F. Kennedy.

Frank Sinatra and his beloved women...

At one time, each of them in their own way would have congratulated him on his birthday today. After all, next to him, life has never been boring and monotonous ...

He would certainly have thrown a luxurious party on the occasion of his ... now 97th birthday. And I would invite all my most beautiful, most beloved women, for whom I was ready to fight to the last ...

They all left a bright mark in each other's soul and would hardly want to change anything, despite all the difficulties. life together...


Francis Albert was born practically under the whistle of bullets - outside the window of an apartment building, where his mother suffered in prenatal pains, the war had been going on for the eighth month - the First World War. Francis made the mother and obstetrician work hard - up to this point, both of them had not yet had to deal with an almost 6-kilogram baby. In general, the future heartthrob already then began to create an aura of rumors and increased attention around him. For which he received a "memory" for life - scars from syringes used by an agitated obstetrician.

It should be noted that Dolly, Frank's mother, was a woman ... severe, even gloomy. Actually, in their family, she was the head, while her father disappeared at the dock, in a bar or in a boxing ring, trying to earn money to feed his next of kin. Mom, too, did not sit at home - she was the chairman of the local Democratic Party, whose duties over time it occupied all her thoughts. Thus, Frank's upbringing was mainly done by his grandmother.

Teachers at school noted that Sinatra was, to put it mildly, hyperactive. And the neighbors considered him just a bully. Perhaps genes and Italian blood are to blame for everything (both parents of the future star were Italian immigrants: mom from Genoa, and dad from Sicily).

Frank became interested in music, won an amateur musical competition... He had already outlined a "life route" for himself, when his mother intervened in the matter. She believed that the best way to force the son to settle down, to calm his violent activity, will be marriage. Therefore, she came to grips with the search for a candidate for Frank's wife. So, he met Nancy...

Nancy Barbato...

The girl was known as the first beauty of the city. Therefore, Frank did not strongly resist meeting the 19-year-old charmer. through the efforts of their mother, they got married on February 4, 1939 in Nancy's hometown of Jersey City. The newlyweds settled at 137 Bergen Avenue. And already in the summer of the next 1940, their first daughter, Nancy Sandra, was born. And four years later - the son of Franklin Wayne was born.

Sinatra's career was going up, which allowed the family to move to Los Angeles - closer to Hollywood. It was a real paradise for the expressive Frank, who, despite his marriage, did not become less emotional and ... loving. His intrigue with Marilyn Maxwell (or rather, the publicity of this fact) caused the first serious family scandal: Nancy even decided to terminate the pregnancy and pulled away from her husband. However, they later reconciled and as a result Christina was born - the second daughter and third child of Frank and Nancy.

Alas, this circumstance did not save the marriage. Frank started spinning novels right and left again. The result - on February 14, 1950 (exactly on Valentine's Day), the couple filed for divorce.

However, Frank is said to have literally begged Nancy for a divorce. And all because all his thoughts were occupied with just one (it was hard to believe!) woman - Ava ...

Ava Gardner...

They met Ava on the set Gentlemen Prefer Blondes(1944). Before that, Frank kept his list of the first beauties he managed to conquer. But the meeting with Ava made him forget about this "prank" - she became his only dream.

Their romance still ended in a wedding - the couple got married on November 7, 1951. But ... Six years of marriage were more like flour. Just two years later, they went to different apartments. Against the background of his wife's mega-successful career, Frank's failures (loss of voice, failure of several projects) were felt especially painfully.

Their divorce was formalized in 1957. And it became a real tragedy for him.

True, thanks to the authority of Ava, by this time Sinatra had already managed to star in the film From now on and forever and ever(1953), for which he received an Oscar for Best male role second plan. He was again at the peak of popularity, recording new songs, and, as always, was surrounded by fans who dreamed of at least for a moment being in the arms of Frank. And at some point, Mia appeared among all this crowd ...

Mia Fairow...

Mia was a real Hollywood kid. Her father John was involved in the scandal with Ava Gardner, as a result of which, Mia's family fell apart. Therefore, the first thing John said when introducing his 11-year-old daughter to famous singer"Stay away from her." Of course, Frank did not even remember these words when he saw the girl many years later on the set of a film with his participation. Von Rhein train(1965).

Only the lazy one did not make fun of their age difference - 30 years could not help but catch the eye. In addition, they seemed to be from different worlds. however, Frank was persistent and was the first to support Mia after the failed picture, where she had to act.

He invited her to Palm Springs and from that moment their story began. Different things were said about them. Their relationship was like a volcano of mutual claims and reconciliations. Frank's friends did not accept her, considered her another short-term passion. And for Mia's acquaintances, Sinatra was a socialite at a new peak in popularity, spending his fees at a faster rate than earning them.

Frank understood that his young partner was dreaming of a wedding. So why not give her such a gift? .. True, a few hours before the wedding, he suddenly realized that his feelings for Ava ... But this did not stop him and Mia from exchanging vows of allegiance on July 19, 1966.

She agreed to star with him in the next film, but changed her mind, preferring to play leading role V Rosemary's baby (1968) Romana Polanski.

It was a blow to Sinatra's ego. And he sent her divorce papers.

And again a series of novels, meetings, parties, parties began ... At one of which he once met Barbara ...

Barbara Marks...

Barbara Blakely was born in Bosworth, Missouri. In the late 1940s, she married the executive producer of the Miss Universe beauty pageant, Robert Harrison Oliver, but quickly separated from him. After the divorce, she began working in show girls and the designer's model Mr. Blackwell.

There, at one of the shows in Las Vegas, she met her second husband, Zippo Marx. In this marriage, concluded on September 18, 1959, their common son Bobby appeared. But the couple did not real family, despite long term joint life - the couple broke up in 1973.

"I encountered Frank's Italian temperament from the very first time we met, Barbara later recalled. - At one of their parties I got hard lot evaluate the performance of teams during the game of charades. Frank gave me a watch to keep track of the time. And he almost broke my arm, squeezing it together with the clock, when I shouted that his team was in time trouble. It was at that moment that the thought flashed through my head that perhaps someday something could happen between us ..."

Their paths crossed more than once, but Fate did not give them signs about what awaits them in the future - it simply kept them in sight of each other ... The first sign was broken watch, which Frank threw against the wall in a fit of anger, unable to withstand Barbara's direct gaze. But then friends saved the situation by moving the conversation in a different direction.

But after this incident, in the soul of Sinatra there was a craving for this luxurious bold blonde. Alas, at that time Barbara was not free, but with her husband they had long lost interest in each other. Therefore, Frank began a systematic siege of this "fortress". And in the end she gave up...

On July 11, 1976, Barbara officially became Mrs. Frank Sinatra, having converted to Catholicism for the sake of her husband (although he never asked her to). Barbara became the fourth and last wife of the great Frank Sinatra, living with him until his death, although mutual language with his children from his first marriage, she never succeeded ...


With such a face, he could become a successful scout - it was impossible to remember him. Small, inconspicuous, with gimlets of bright eyes. But it wasn't his looks that made him successful. The guards called him Napoleon, Marlene Dietrich - "Rolls-Royce" among men, and all other grateful compatriots called him simply Voice. lived a long, stormy, interesting life There was everything - both ups and downs. The real American self made man". More than one generation of people has grown up on his immortal songs, not only in America, but all over the world.

That's how it all started

A native of provincial Hoboken (New Jersey), which he himself considered a "gutter", Francis Albert Sinatra managed not to get any education, but it was said about him that he could even sing a phone book. The idol of his youth, jazz performer Bing Crosby, summed up in the mid-fifties: “Only one singer is a great singer for the whole world. His name - Sinatra».

America's first pop idol was born in 1915 in the family of a boxer and a nurse from Sicily. Nineteen-year-old Dolly was a large woman, so the baby weighed more than six kilograms, and he had to be dragged with forceps. There were no more children in the family. Maybe that's why it's small. Frank nothing was denied. Mother she earned money by clandestine abortions, for which she took $ 35: at that time - a decent amount. The boy grew up musical, but incapable of science and hooligans, so he was safely expelled from school. His mother placed him as a courier in a sports newspaper, but even there Frankie did not linger. From adolescence, scandalous fame never left him.

The first position that paved Sinatra the path to fame, became a chauffeur for the Hoboken trio "Three Flashes", but soon he joins the team as a singer and the ensemble changes its name to the "Four from Hoboken". Producer contract with Sinatra costs $ 25 a week: for the opportunity to sing and even see your name on posters Sinatra was willing to pay. And then, in a difficult moment, when the frenzied popularity suddenly began to leave him, he used this tried and tested tool - he performed for free.

Returning home after the first tour, Frank married a modest girl Nancy Barbato. She will be the mother of three children. Sinatra: Nancy, Frank and Christina.

One night in a roadside tavern singing Sinatra heard the head of a large jazz band Tommy Dorsey and signed a contract with Frank. At Sinatra the tympanic membrane was damaged by obstetric forceps, he did not hear well and could not read notes, but he was smart and waited in the wings. One day, watching Dorsey play the trombone, Frank I was surprised to find that he did not inhale deeply, but only slightly opened the hole in the corner of his mouth. Narrow-chested Sinatra begins to do the same, using his voice as a musical instrument. He realizes that you won’t go far with his lungs, and with furious persistence he develops them, swims in the pool for hours and achieves a good result - his voice becomes stronger and more harmonious. Fate rewards him for his efforts, he has the first fans, and on his twenty-fifth birthday, the singer releases his first disc - “Polka Dot Dress and the Rays of the Moon”. An invitation to Hollywood was not long in coming.

Five thousand letters a week for Frank Sinatra

His film debut was a role in the musical film Las Vegas Nights, where Sinatra sang his first real hit: "I will never smile again." Solo debut Frank in New York was deafening. By 1943 the fees Sinatra rose to 50 thousand dollars, he receives the title of the best singer of the year, rapidly acquiring fans. The manifestations of their passionate love were subject to seasonal fluctuations: in winter they shovel snow from under his boots, in warm weather they leave it on the house Sinatra traces of lipstick; indoors, they collect the ashes from his cigarettes, and in the barbershops, the remains of his cut hair. Later, two thousand fan clubs of the singer will be created all over America, and his mail will be five thousand letters a week.

He sings and acts in films, hosts television shows and radio programs. If the first film roles were offered to him in musicals, then later Sinatra becomes a real dramatic actor. His roles are varied: he plays a psychopath, a pianist, a surgeon, a sailor, a drug addict. And for the role of a cheerful Italian soldier Angelo Maggio, beaten to death in an army prison ("From Now and Forever"), Sinatra receives an Oscar. The same statuette was awarded to the anti-racist feature short film "The House I Live In", where he filmed for free. In 1964 Frank directed his own film "Only the Brave", for which he received a special award from the Academy. Become a legend in life Frank was honored to look at himself from the outside: in 1992, in the film "Sinatra" he was played by an actor with Russian roots, Philip Krasnoff. And in his native Hoboken, also during his lifetime, a monument was erected.

Frank Sinatra, presidents and ... the mafia

But also "cast in bronze", Sinatra felt insecure in this world. He needed "skinheads" or, at worst, members of governments to feel stronger. Or maybe connections with the powerful of this world simply injected a portion of adrenaline into his blood.

The beginning of his friendship with mafiosi dates back to the mid-1940s. When the boss of the Italian mafia in the US Lucky Luciano was deported to Italy Sinatra how a mafia courier smuggled $3.5 million in cash to Cuba. The calculation turned out to be correct: at the airport, the singer was surrounded by such a wall of fans that customs could not really check his case. Caught Sinatra he had never been, but he was also suspected of money laundering, connections with drug dealers, and bribing politicians.

Sinatra considered the prototype of the singer Johnny Fontaine - one of the heroes of Mario Puzo's novel "The Godfather". After death Frank daughter Tina, who led him trading business, confirmed that the mafiosi paid extra to the owners of the clubs where he sang, invested in his advertising, costumes, musical instruments. True, not for his blue eyes, but for a percentage of the collection.

Connections Sinatra with presidents date from the same time, and Roosevelt laid the foundation for them, inviting Frank for a cup of tea. As for the Kennedy family, they Sinatra became almost a relative, and not entirely unselfishly: his importunate dream was the post of ambassador to Italy. He organized the presidential campaign of John F. Kennedy and the gala concert at his inauguration, he introduced Marilyn Monroe to the Kennedy brothers. And in 1985 Sinatra, a favorite of presidents, received the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.

Black and white

with Ava Gardner

Feeling the power of the mafia and power behind you, Sinatra gave free rein to his hysterical and scandalous disposition. He especially hated journalists. Only in Australia did the unbridled Sicilian get a rebuff. After a press conference where he called all male journalists idiots, and female journalists prostitutes, "the price of which is no more than a couple of dollars", the Australians announced a silent boycott to him. Hotel clerks and waiters stared past him when he spoke to them, taxi drivers drove out from under his nose, and airport employees refused to put gasoline on his private jet. As a result, the star who interrupted the tour rolled home in disgrace after the personal intervention of members of the Australian government.

Still, his ballad songs, a fusion of jazz, blues, swing and chanson, were excellent. No wonder he was very fond of French cinema and French singers. In the mid-1960s, his "Strangers in the Night" bypassed the charts by a huge margin. Although he Sinatra didn't like this song.

As for women, despite their a large number of in the singer's life, they did not give him a sense of reliability. He divorced Nancy, who had three children, in the early 1950s, having met actress Ava Gardner at the premiere of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. She was beautiful, famous, sassy, ​​and used foul language incessantly. She was not inferior to him in anything - she humiliated, tyrannized, wiped her feet on him. He is not just endured - he was delighted. Nevertheless, they parted, moreover, on her initiative, and then Frank tried to commit suicide.

Ava never remarried, but Sinatra married twice more. Many years later, when he was in his fifties, he met nineteen-year-old actress Mia Farrow. She smoked marijuana, and he couldn't stand it. A year later, the marriage broke up, and Mia, taking only her rocking chair, went to India to meditate with hippies, and then, upon returning, she married Woody Allen. The last wife of the legendary man in 1976 was Barbara Marks.

Death without comment

He knew how to keep his nose to the wind, and even in his almost eighty years he learned to use new technical means. Last disc "Duets" Frank released in 1994. Thanks to the artificial superposition of voices Sinatra sings along with, and others, receiving another Grammy award. It was then that his last big concert at the University of North Carolina. He sang with a teleprompter - memory failed, but one critic wisely remarked: “ Sinatra like the Colosseum. Partially destroyed, but still fascinating." Just celebrating the 80th anniversary Sinatra finally quite officially and already completely retired. He did not have long to enjoy the retirement idyll. In 1998, he died of a heart attack.


In the late 1950s, when Nikita Khrushchev and his wife arrived in the United States on an official visit, Sinatra was the master of ceremonies for a grand reception for distinguished guests at the 20th Century Fox studio. 400 people gathered at the dinner, and the indefatigable seducer Frank tried to take Nina Khrushcheva to Disneyland right from the reception, in which the security service prevented him.

Sinatra hated drugs. He was extraordinarily generous, often leaving tips in excess of bills. He donated a huge amount of money not to universities, which he did not finish, but to hospitals and programs for the poor - only a billion dollars.

To the 10th anniversary of death Frank Sinatra in the United States, a stamp was issued showing him wearing his famous fedora.

Updated: April 14, 2019 by: Elena

A few months later, Sinatra joined the orchestra of trombonist Tommy Dorsey, and his career skyrocketed.

Remaining for two years as part of the popular Dorsey Orchestra, Sinatra recorded a number of songs that entered the charts, and the composition I "ll Never Smile Again became a number one hit. In the same period, Frank Sinatra made his film debut in the films "Las Vegas Nights" ( Las Vegas Nights, 1941) and Ship Ahoy (1942).

Although Sinatra was not called to military service due to a damaged eardrum, during World War II he performed with benefit concerts for soldiers.

In January 1942, the singer held his first solo session in the studio and recorded four solo numbers, one of which, Cole Porter's Night and Day, was charted. At that time, Sinatra appeared and own show on Songs By Sinatra radio. For two years, his songs were included in the radio charts with constant success, and the compositions There Are Such Thing and In the Blue of the Evening, created together with Dorsey, topped the charts. Soon, Columbia Records management offered Frank Sinatra a solo contract, and the following years became very eventful in his career.

In 1943, the artist became a regular participant in the popular radio cycle Your Hit Parade, performed in productions on Broadway, hosted his own radio show, recorded new songs and continued to act in films. At that time, films were released with his participation Higher and Higher (1943), Raise the Anchors (Anchors Aweigh, 1945), Till the Clouds Roll By (1946), It Happened in Brooklyn" (It Happened in Brooklyn, 1947), "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" (1949) and others. As one of the creators of the anti-racist short film "The House I Live in" ( The House I Live In, 1945) Sinatra was awarded a special Oscar. In 1949, he starred in Stanley Donen's musical On the Town (1949). In 1953, Fred Zinnemann's From Here to Eternity was released, for which Sinatra was awarded an Oscar and a Golden Globe. His second "Golden Globe" actor received for his role in George Sidney's "Pal Joey" (Pal Joey, 1957).

Frank Sinatra starred in the films "It's a Young Heart" (Young At Heart, 1954), "Guys and Dolls" (Guysand Dolls, 1955), "The Tender Trap" (The Tender Trap, 1955), "The Man with the Golden Arm" (The Man With the Golden Arm, 1955)," high society(High Society, 1956), "Pride and Passion" (The Pride and the Passion, 1957), "Kings Go Forth" (Kings Go Forth, 1958), "Can-Can" (Can-Can, 1960), "Ocean's Eleven" (Ocean's Eleven, 1960), "Devil at 4 o'clock" (The Devil at 4 O "Clock, 1961), "The Manchurian Candidate" (The Manchurian Candidate, 1962), "Come Blow Your Horn" (Come Blow Your Horn, 1963), "Marriage splits" (Marriage on the Rocks , 1965), "Assault on a Queen" (Assault on a Queen, 1966), "Dirty Dingas Magee" (Dirty Dingus Magee, 1970), "The First Deadly Sin" (The First Deadly Sin, 1980), etc.

The musical compositions of Frank Sinatra all this time remained in the charts. From 1957 to 1966, 27 of the singer's albums entered the Top 10 of the national rating. In the 1960s, the singles It Was a Very Good Year, Strangers in the Night (1966) and a duet with her daughter Nancy Somethin "Stupid (1967) reached the top of the music charts.

Compilation of the best tracks Greatest Hits! (1968) went platinum, and the album Cycles, which featured songs contemporary authors- Joni Mitchell, Jimmy Webb and others, sold 500,000 copies. Another "gold" was awarded to the collection of songs My Way, specially written for Sinatra by Paul Anka.

After celebrating his 55th birthday, the singer announced his retirement from the stage, but returned two years later with a new album and a TV special of the same name, Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back.

In subsequent years, Sinatra appeared much less frequently in the studio, starred less in films and on television, preferring "live" performances. In 1980 he released a collection of songs on three discs Trilogy: Past, Present, Future. The track Theme From New York, New York, the title theme from the popular film "New York, New York" (New York, New York, 1977), later became the standard of the pop music industry.

In 1990, the two companies that owned the rights to the artist's catalog, Capitol and Reprise, released two box sets for his 75th anniversary. Each of the releases, The Capitol Years and The Reprise Collection, on three and four discs respectively, sold half a million copies.

In 1993, Sinatra signed a contract with Capitol Records and produced the Duets long-play - old hits recorded with new (and already eminent) performers from Tony Bennett and Barbara Streisand to Bono. The album became the most popular disc in the singer's career and was certified platinum three times. The collection of selected duets Duets II was the last in musical career Sinatra.

The songs performed by him entered the classics of pop and swing style, became examples of the pop-jazz manner of singing "crooning".

Frank Sinatra is the winner of numerous prizes and awards, including Oscar (1946, 1954), Golden Globe (1954, 1958), several Grammy awards. In 1971, Frank Sinatra received the Gene Hersholt Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association's Cecil DeMille Award for Distinguished Service in Motion Pictures.

In 1997, he was awarded the highest civilian award in the United States, the Congressional Gold Medal.

On May 14, 1998, Frank Sinatra died in Los Angeles from a heart attack.

Sinatra has been married four times. His first wife was Nancy Barbato, in this marriage three children were born - two daughters and a son.

The eldest daughter Nancy became a singer and actress. Then followed with actresses Ava Gardner and Mia Farrow. The last wife of Frank Sinatra was the writer Barbara Marks.
