How to draw a star with a pencil step by step How to draw a star? Ways to draw different types of stars How to draw a shooting star with a pencil step by step

How to draw a star with a pencil step by step How to draw a star? Ways to draw different types of stars How to draw a shooting star with a pencil step by step

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Most people think that drawing a star is not that difficult. However, when they translate their idea into reality, pick up a pencil and begin to depict an asterisk, they immediately face certain difficulties. It turns out that it is not so easy to create a beautiful, even, and most importantly, the right shape of a star, and even do it the first time.

By the way, do not forget that the star must also be symmetrical. When you start drawing a five-pointed star, first take a compass and draw a circle, which you then divide equally. To get everything right, arm yourself with a few geometric rules.

In our drawing, we will build on the standard five-pointed star that all sheriffs wear. Of course, you can use other stars, not limited to our example. An asterisk on a spire of chimes, a starfish - all this is your choice.

Thanks to this lesson, you will become a pro at drawing a five-pointed star. We will use, as always, a simple pencil, and in the end we will also try to paint the star with paints.

1. Riceuemstar compasseat

Since our drawing requires the image of an even circle, you should pick up a compass. In case you suddenly didn’t have a compass, we take an ordinary mug, turn it upside down and put it on a sheet of paper. I advise you not to press the pencil too hard so that the line does not turn out to be bold, as soon we will delete the outline made. Depending on the size of the star, you must draw the appropriate circle.

2. Dividedrawncircle onevenoftenitzy

Since we started drawing a five-pointed star, we should get five even parts. This is easy to do with the help of a geometric rule, by calculating the distance among the five points marked on the circle. Your task is to place the points one from the other at the same distance. Now we have to connect these dots. Let my drawing serve as an example.

3. Is it easydraw a "3D" star

Is it easy to draw a "3D" star

A voluminous star will look better, so you need to depict "ribs" for it. We should shade one of the sides. Now let's start drawing the edges of our asterisk, it's not difficult to draw them. As you can see, the corner points are sharp at the top and obtuse at the bottom. Your task is to connect them together. Here we have drawn a star. You can shade it or color it.

4. The final stage

It's time to remove the intersecting paths. We will gently erase them with an eraser. After that, we remove the circle or the so-called main contour.

5. Checkyay, do they looksymmetricalORayAndstarsglasses

This will depend on whether you have done the markup correctly between the top points. If everything is in order, then the interval between the vertices should be the same, so the star will have equal sides.

Perhaps you depicted a starfish, then there is no need to depict clear edges. I recommend that you alternately shade the sides, in the same way as when drawing a five-pointed star. Making strokes light.

Remember that this star must be shaded completely on one side, thus giving it contrast. You need to shade the sides in order, making the strokes even.

So we came to the finish line, you got a beautiful drawing. If you decide not to do the shadows with a pencil, then color the star. I leave the choice of color to you.

Categories:// from 11/16/2017

The stars are so distant and so alluring, mysterious and unknown... Looking at them, everyone is immersed in their dreams and memories, wanting to be carried away into their own fairy-tale world. Perhaps there is no such person who has never painted a starry sky in his life. But how to draw a star so that it is really even and proportional, with equally sharp corners? There are a few tricks that may come in handy for budding artists.

How to draw a star step by step

How to draw a star with a compass

For the second method of creating a proportional five-pointed asterisk, you will need a protractor, a compass and a ruler.

  1. Using a compass, draw a circle of the desired size and draw a vertical and horizontal line through its center (the angle between them should be equal to 90 degrees).
  2. From the upper axis, using a protractor, we set aside an angle of 72 degrees on the circle and draw a ray from the center of the circle through the marked point.
  3. From the drawn beam, we again set aside an angle of 72 degrees along the circle and draw a segment from the center of the circle to the set point. We perform the same steps two more times.
  4. We connect the obtained points so that we get a five-pointed star. Extra lines must be erased with an eraser.

Draw a six-pointed star

How to draw a star in stages so that it looks like a sacred Jewish symbol? To do this, again you need a compass and a little effort.

  1. Draw a circle of the required size.
  2. Without changing the solution of the compass, we put its needle on the drawn circle and make a mark, as shown in the figure.
  3. At the obtained point of intersection of the circle and the "notch", we again put the needle of the compass and make a mark. We get six points in total.
  4. Now consider how to draw a star with a pencil using the resulting blank. To do this, we connect the upper, lower right and lower left points to form an equilateral triangle.
  5. Now we connect the lower, upper left and right points to make an inverted regular triangle.
  6. We erase all auxiliary lines - the six-pointed star is ready!

Alternative Method

How to draw a star with a pencil in stages if there is no compass at hand? To do this, you can use another interesting method.

  1. You need to draw a regular pentagon. It contains five equal sides, the angles between which are 108 degrees each. It is convenient to build such a figure using a protractor.
  2. We connect the vertices of the pentagon in such a way that we get a proportional star. Erase all extra auxiliary lines.

Checking the symmetry of the rays of the star

To check how even the star turned out, just turn the sheet with the pattern in a circle. If the beams are located asymmetrically, then this will certainly be noticeable at a new viewing angle. It should be remembered that for a correct star, the distances between its vertices must be the same. All sides of the sprocket should also be the same length.

Draw the Star of Bethlehem

How to draw a star - a symbol of Christmas? As a rule, it is represented with eight rays.

Now you know how to draw a star with different number of rays. Grab a pencil and start imagining!

Images of stars are an indispensable attribute of many crafts. They are used in everyday decor, to create holiday cards, in children's art and in many other areas. We have made a selection of star stencils for you, trying to take into account most of the options for their use.

Various images are at your disposal. Among them are both the most popular traditional stars and original patterns that are rare. You can increase or decrease images in size using the tools of any graphic editor. You can also collect several images on one sheet to use at once. Fill with paint or fade, combine with other popular patterns - do it the way you want.

Any star stencils in this collection are available for printing and then cutting out of paper. Some of them will be convenient to immediately impose on some kind of background. In addition, you can take them as a basis in order to then create some kind of voluminous craft. So, for example, some of these stencils can be used to make an asterisk for decorating a Christmas tree or a soft toy in the form of a cute starfish. Use as patterns, templates for drawing the outlines of stars on walls, a guide for creating a starry sky in a room, etc.

Some stencils make the most sense to print. Other stars are easier to draw on paper and cut out. Whatever you're looking for, browse the entire selection to find the best option.


Draw a square. Try to draw its sides as evenly as possible. It is better to do this with a finely honed hard grade T or even 2T. Auxiliary lines should be barely visible. It is most convenient to draw a square by placing a sheet of paper directly in front of you without any inclination, with the short side facing you.

Draw both diagonals and find the point of their intersection. Draw a vertical line through it. Its length should be equal to the length of the diagonal, and the intersection point bisects this center line. Draw a horizontal line through the center of construction exactly the same length as the vertical one. You have 8 beams of the same length.

Draw rays. Start with a vertical line. Imagine that it passes in the middle of two beams. You just have to determine its widest part. To do this, step back from the point of intersection of all lines the same distance to the right and left. Connect them to the top and bottom ends of the center line. Draw all the other rays in the same way.

You can finish the drawing in different ways. For example, circle only the outline and remove the extra lines. Outline the silhouette with a softer pencil. Paint over the inside. You can make the rays multi-colored. In this case, leave some of the auxiliary lines. For example, those with which you drew the central vertical rhombus. The rest of the contour lines must end at the intersection with its sides. Fill the central beam with one color, and the two adjacent beams with another. Color the rest of the rays in the same way, alternating colors.


By the same principle, a 12-pointed star is also drawn. True, in this case, each quarter of the square is not divided in half, but into 3 parts.

Helpful advice

In order to cut out such a star from colored paper, you do not need to draw anything. Make 2 squares of the same size. You can take two sheets of the same color or different. Fold one square diagonally. Then fold it again, aligning the existing fold lines. Put the resulting triangle in front of you with the free side down. Mark a point approximately halfway between the center and the free edge. Starting from the corner, cut the workpiece to this point, and then from there to the second corner. Do the same with the second square. Lay one blank on top of the other and glue them in the middle. The second square may be slightly smaller. It needs to be glued on top.

For festive decoration, stars are needed quite often. They can have an irregular shape and a different number of rays, and then they can be cut out of paper without any construction. However, to decorate the top of the Christmas tree or the towers of the Moscow Kremlin, you need the right five-pointed stars. You can build them using the most common drawing tools.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - compass;
  • - ruler;
  • - square;
  • - pencil.


Draw a circle of arbitrary diameter. Keep in mind that the star will be inscribed in a circle, so the radius should roughly match the desired length of the beam from the center to the top. For convenience, mark the center with a point O. Draw a horizontal diameter through it. At point O, build a perpendicular to it and continue it until it intersects with the circle. Designate the lowest point as M.

Divide the radius from point O to the left in half. Put point A. You can connect it with a dotted line to point M, but this is not necessary. Spread the legs of the compass to the distance AM. Draw an arc of this radius from point M to the intersection with the second horizontal radius. Put a point N. Describe another arc, the radius of which is equal to AN. Point K.

Good afternoon Today the drawing lesson will be very simple, but at the same time it will be a good exercise in accuracy. It will be about.

Step 1

You can use a ruler to draw this tutorial, but it's cooler to draw it without any tools other than a pencil, paper, and eraser. If your hand does not tremble and confidently draws straight lines, do not use a ruler, if you are not completely sure, then you can play it safe.

An important point is to draw all the lines according to the arrows that our artist marked out. Yes, we almost forgot - at this stage we draw such an acute angle.

Step 2

Now let's draw another corner. It seems that it is dumber than the top one, but it is not - all corners have the same sharpness, and the star looks exactly the same when turned in any direction.

Step 3

And now we connect the end of the segment with which we completed the previous stage with the beginning of the segment from the first step. This is such a super difficult step))

Step 4

This is the sketch we have at the moment, if we erase the arrows showing the movement:

Step 5

And this is what it will look like if you erase the lines from the center. Actually, if you need a very simple star, then you can stop at this step. If you want to draw a star more difficult, then move on.

Step 5

Now let's make such a move - from the middle of our star we will draw straight lines that will connect it with each corner of the figure. If you do it straight and without a ruler, then it's very cool. If with a ruler, but it turns out like ours, that’s also cool.

Step 6

Let's put a light shadow on the star. Pay attention to how the illuminated and shaded segments alternate. As you can see, the shadow is applied with the usual light hatching. By the way, in case you like working with straight lines and you feel that you are capable of more complex work, try.

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And this lesson was dedicated to how to draw a star with a pencil step by step, and it was prepared for you by the artists of the drawingforall team. Good luck, visit us often!
