Composition on the topic Mind is given to a person in order to understand: it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings. Composition on the topic Mind is given to a person in order to understand: it is impossible to live with one mind, people live with feelings “The mind is given to a person in order to understand: to live with one mind

Composition on the topic Mind is given to a person in order to understand: it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings. Composition on the topic Mind is given to a person in order to understand: it is impossible to live with one mind, people live with feelings “The mind is given to a person in order to understand: to live with one mind

Many people live clearly trying to adhere to the voice of reason and common sense. They try to avoid risky ventures, restrain gambling manifestations in themselves. Their daily life is built on the observance of algorithms. Such as, for example, proper nutrition and adherence to the daily routine. Pedantry in everything leads to the fact that people who listen only to common sense and clearly calculate the expediency of their actions often disgust the vast majority. They seem boring and uninteresting, because you always know what to expect from them in the next minute. Exposure to emotions, the ability to experience unpredictable feelings, is what distinguishes human beings from mechanical machines. Of course, there are shocking personalities who are guided in their behavior only by the voice of the heart. Often, these are people of creative professions: musicians, writers, poets, actors, screenwriters. Their behavior can sometimes be not at all decent because of the emotional outburst that constantly affects the behavior of these natures.

Each person should restrain their feelings, but not completely hide them. Finding a healthy middle ground between restless behavior and an indifferent approach to any event, you can attract sufficient attention to your person from others, but at the same time not piss off your relatives and friends. Sometimes, in order to achieve location from a pretty object, you first need to show your attitude towards this person. Sometimes this may not find a response, but you should not become withdrawn and unsociable. On a huge planet there is a person who will have a keen interest in this or that person. And it will be completely sincere. It is important to allow your soul to remain ready for contact: for friendship, or for love.

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I want to live in order to think and suffer (A. S. Pushkin) Reason and feeling: can they possess a person at the same time or are these concepts mutually exclusive of one another? Is it true that in a fit of feelings a person commits both vile deeds and great discoveries that drive evolution and progress? What is a dispassionate mind capable of, a cold calculation? The search for answers to these questions has occupied the best minds of mankind since life appeared. And this dispute, which is more important - reason or feeling - has been going on since antiquity, and everyone has their own answer. “People live by feelings,” says Erich Maria Remarque, but immediately adds that in order to realize this, reason is needed.

On the pages of world fiction, the problem of the influence of feelings and the mind of a person is raised very often. So, for example, in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, this is the impulsive Natasha Rostova, the sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, the fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other hand, the arrogant and prudent Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatole. Many conflicts in the novel come precisely from the excess of feelings of the characters, whose ups and downs are very interesting to watch. A vivid example of how a burst of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, impatient youth influenced the fate of the heroes is the case of Natasha's betrayal, because for her, funny and young, it was incredibly long to wait for her wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpectedly flashed feelings for Anatole the voice of reason? Here we have a real drama of mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine, she faces a difficult choice: to leave her fiancé and leave with Anatole, or not to succumb to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrei. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made, only chance prevented Natasha. We cannot condemn the girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was feelings that dictated Natasha's impulse, after which she regretted her act when she analyzed it.

It was the feeling of boundless, all-consuming love that helped Margarita reunite with her lover in Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The heroine, without a second's hesitation, gives her soul to the devil and goes with him to the ball, where the killers and hangmen kiss her knee. Having abandoned a secure, measured life in a luxurious mansion with a loving husband, she rushes into an adventurous adventure with evil spirits. Here is a vivid example of how a person, having chosen a feeling, created his happiness.

Thus, the statement of Erich Maria Remarque is absolutely true: guided only by reason, a person can live, but it will be a colorless, dull and joyless life, only feelings give life indescribably bright colors, leaving emotionally filled memories. As the great classic Leo Tolstoy wrote: “If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the very possibility of life will be destroyed.”

Honor and dishonor."

The direction is based on polar concepts related to the choice of a person: to be true to the voice of conscience, to follow moral principles, or to follow the path of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy.

Many writers focused on depicting various manifestations of a person: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms of compromise with conscience, up to a deep moral decline of the individual.

1. What is the difference between honor and honesty?
2. How do you understand the words honor and dishonor?
3. Honor and honesty give birth to the mind, and dishonesty takes it away.
4. What does it mean to walk the path of honor?
5. Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age.

6. D. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" - Pravdin, Starodum, Sofya - Prostakovs.
7. A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" - Chatsky - Molchalin, Famus Society.
8. A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" - Grinev - Shvabrin.
9. M. Lermonotov "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilievich ..." - merchant Kalashnikov - Kiribeevich.
10. N. Gogol "Taras Bulba".
11. A.K. Tolstoy "Prince Silver".
12. L. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - Andrei Bolkonsky - Dolokhov; old prince Bolkonsky - Vasily Kuragin ...
13. F. Dostoevsky "The Idiot" - Prince Myshkin - Gavrila Ivolgin; "Crime and Punishment". A. Kuprin "Duel".
14. M. Bulgakov "White Guard"; "Master and Margarita".
15. V. Kaverin "Two Captains" - Sanya Grigoriev - Romashin, Nikolai Antonovich.
16. N. Dumbadze "I see the sun."
17. N. Leskov "The Man on the Clock".
18. A.. Kuprin "Wonderful Doctor".
19. A. Green "Green Lamp".
20. M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man", "Quiet Flows the Don".
21. V. Bykov "Obelisk"; "Sotnikov".
22. D. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
23. V. Kaverin "Picture".
24. V. Dudintsev "White clothes".
25. V. Rasputin "Live and remember"; Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother.

Thematic direction 2 "Honor and dishonor".

Selection of literary material. Preparation for a home essay on the topic “Trading in honor, you will not get rich” (F.M. Dostoevsky)

Write down the first signs of the proposed direction of the final essay that came to mind, without dwelling on them in detail.

spotless reputation honest name dignity justice HONOR fidelity decency nobility of soul Clear conscience 1) Answer the question: How do you understand the expression "man of honor"? What kind of person can be called that? 2) Write down next to the names of literary heroes about whom you can say "man of honor" (indicate the work). Masha Mironova A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” Matryona A.I. ...» HONOR fidelity Tatyana A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" decency nobility of soul pure conscience Pyotr Grinev A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Pierre Bezukhov L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Sonechka Marmeladova F.M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment"

Remember phraseological units and proverbs, in which the word "honor" is used


· Money is lost - little is lost, health is lost - a lot is lost, honor is lost - everything is lost.

· Honor of honor and believes in the word.

· Honor by merit.

Take care of honor from a young age, and health in old age.

· Not the honest one who chases honor, but the one for whom she herself runs. The clean and the fire will not burn, but the dirty and the water will not wash away.

Honor is protected by the head.

Honor goes along the road, and dishonor is on the sidelines.

· We would have money, but we will find honor.

· Live with your mind, and honor to grow by work.

· Honor is firm, in the word stand.

· Honor is not on the caftan, but under the caftan.

What is, such is the honor.

· Honest eyes do not look sideways.


With honor to get out of a predicament,

Do the job with honor

Honor and praise!

does honor (to whom, what), I have honor<кланяться>.

Lives by honor, by conscience

Honor honor, salute; matter of honor, duty of honor, honor of uniform, man of honor, honor by honor

Explain how you understand the meaning of these phraseological units. Conclusion (notebook entry): Honor gives respect: the expression "man of honor" is one of the most significant compliments in Russia to a noble person. How do you understand the word "disgrace"? Choose synonyms for this word (defamation of honor, insult, shame). Remember the proverbs with the word “disgrace” (For dishonor (for honor), the head perishes. Mutilation is not dishonor. Dishonor is paid for injury. Death is better than dishonor). Remember the literary heroes who commit dishonorable acts (Paratov from A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Dowry”, Arbenin from M.Yu. Lermontov’s drama “Masquerade”, Shvabrin from A.S. .S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", Grushnitsky from the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", Lazar Podkhalyuzin and Lipochka Bolshova from the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Our people - we will settle", etc.) II. Work on the topic of the essay “Trade in honor, you will not get rich” (F.M. Dostoevsky) Formulate the main idea of ​​​​the essay (We must live by honor, by conscience, not forgetting that, as A.P. Chekhov said, “honor cannot be taken away, it can only be lost."

Task: fill in the table Write an introduction Choose a thesis and arguments for your introduction. Write a conclusion linking it to the abstract and introduction.

Intro options

1. We live in a difficult time: sanctions, crisis, inflation... Officially, in Russia, 84% of the population live below the poverty line, 12% are the middle class and 4% are the elite, that is, those who have millions and billions. Are there many honest people among them? “Incorrect question,” you say. And I will ask another question: “How did they become millionaires and billionaires and do they think about what honor and dishonor are?” To answer this question, let us turn to Russian literature. (68 words)

Thesis 1

Wealth (great wealth!) does not come from honest work.

Argument 1: Sergei Sergeevich Paratov, the protagonist of A.N. Ostrovsky's play "The Dowry"

Thesis 2: In our time, fortunately, there are people who call on us, ordinary people, to live according to our conscience and honor. These people include Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev. \

Argument 2: Article by D.S. Likhachev “And the hour struck.

Conclusion option

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that people who own huge wealth (remember: 4% of very rich Russians?) will think about those who can barely make ends meet, who the day before retirement does not have enough money to buy a piece of bread ... They will think and do charity work, like Savva Morozov, like Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, a Russian businessman, philanthropist, collector of works of Russian fine art, founder of the Tretyakov Gallery .. They will think and remember the word "honor" ... (65 words)

Entry option

“You won’t get rich by trading in honor,” said the great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in the 19th century. And now it is the 21st century, but the relevance of this statement is obvious: in our century there are people for whom the word "honor" is an empty phrase. Fortunately, there are those who "preserve honor from a young age." The literature convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. (56 words)

Thesis + Argument

Thesis 1: First, civil servants, endowed with power, like no other, must comply with the code of honor. Alas, sometimes this does not happen.

Argument 1: Gorodnichiy Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, the hero of N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector"

Thesis 2: Secondly, those who sincerely love their Motherland, the nature surrounding them, who are ready to give their lives for harmony to reign in the world, do not want to trade in honor.

Argument 2: Egor Polushkin from B. Vasiliev's story "Do not shoot at white swans".

Conclusion option

In conclusion, one cannot fail to say about the relevance of the topic raised, which still sounds modern, because modern society is filled with dishonest people, people who think about their own benefit and forget about the interests of others ... I am convinced: you cannot trade in what constitutes the honest name of a person, his inner moral dignity and a clear conscience ... It is impossible! Never! Under no circumstances! And everyone should understand this! (60 words)

Entry option

The path of honor and the path of dishonor... The path of honor is the path of truth, justice, dignity... The path of dishonor is the road to nowhere. People choose which way to go. Go to the hospital... Often you have to pay there... for care and attention, for a highly qualified doctor... For sale is what should be the norm... And the traffic cops?... And the police?... And the officials? Do you think they who take bribes get richer? Outwardly, probably, yes .. But the soul is getting poorer ... "Dirty" money will never bring happiness and joy ... The boomerang law will work: someone's pain will return to the house of bribe-takers ... Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view . (89 words)

Thesis + Argument

Thesis 1: In the fact that a person cheats on himself, loses face,

becomes indifferent and dishonest, only he is to blame.

Argument 1: Dmitry Ionych Startsev from A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych" Thesis 2: In human society, dishonorable people have always been treated with contempt and with respect for decent people who protect their “honor from a young age”.

Argument 2: Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin and Pyotr Andreevich from A.S. Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter"

Conclusion option

In conclusion, it is impossible not to say about the relevance of the topic raised, which still sounds topical, because in society there will always be people worthy of respect, with a spotless reputation, and people who do not have honor. We can change the situation only together: by expressing contempt for scoundrels, opportunists, careerists, we will make them think about their behavior and, perhaps, change for the better. I hope so... (59 words)

Entry option

In Russia, such great people as Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov have always been honored as the personification of honor and a spotless conscience. And they always despised thieves, bribe-takers, robbers, murderers - people without honor and conscience. They, trading their good name, did not think that they would be damned. I will give arguments to prove my point of view. (58 words)

Thesis + Argument

Thesis 1: Firstly, a person, having once deceived, betrays himself: it is very difficult to return respect for yourself and other people, you need to prove that you have changed, become better, that you will no longer lie. Argument 1: Nina, the heroine of Tamara Kryukova from the story "Once you lied"

Thesis 2: In war, in contrast to peacetime, all feelings are heightened, including self-esteem, a sense of patriotism, a sense of camaraderie. If someone became a traitor, then there was no forgiveness for such a person.

Argument 2: A fisherman from V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov" (you can

contrast it with Sotnikov)

Conclusion option

Concluding my essay, I want to encourage all people to think about the words of Vadim Panov, a Russian science fiction writer: "If you have nothing, then you have your honor, but if you do not have your honor, you have nothing." We must remember this, because without honor we lose ourselves, we lose the respect of others, we lose respect for ourselves ... (56 words)

Death is better than dishonor (last)

Often in recent times there have been arguments that the concepts of “principles”, “morality”, “dignity” have lost their relevance. By typing the words “honor”, ​​“disgrace” in a search engine, you will receive today about 146 million results (!) And find yourself in the center of opposing opinions. Yes, for someone, as in the times of A. Radishchev, and later A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, the value is a spotless reputation, the nobility of the human soul. There are those who flaunt their rejection of enduring moral norms and assure themselves, first of all, that one can live without respectable beliefs, qualities, and actions. "Death is better than dishonor"? Is it possible to step over, survive the shame, disgrace, desecration of honor, or, as the poet wrote, "... and you will not be washed away with all your black blood ..."?

Flipping through the pages of your favorite works in your memory, you understand how much it meant for the heroes of F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, M.A. Bulgakov's ability to live according to the law of honor. It seemed to me interesting to trace the life of our contemporaries after their “deal” with conscience - these are the heroes for whom shame, dishonor turned out to be so strong that the censure of others was no longer required. R. Bradbury, L. Ulitskaya, B. Werber, D. Keyes, P. Sanaev, D. Picoult. The list of authors whose works convince that even today dishonor is worse than death is far from complete. Confirmation of this is Khaled Hosseini and his novel The Kite Runner.

Before me is a book, after reading which it is impossible to continue to live serenely, recklessly, without analyzing your actions, without thinking about the consequences of each step. The author introduces the reader to the Kabul boy Amir, the son of a local aristocrat, and day by day we begin to get to know the world, its light and dark sides, together with the hero. We, like a teenager, have not yet been given the opportunity to realize that every moment can become a step towards honor, memory, gratitude, or it can lead to the line of betrayal, shame. And the desire of a child who grew up without a mother to do everything to please his stern, laconic father is quite understandable, and Amir's jealousy towards the servant - childhood friend Hassan is also understandable: Baba is too warm towards the Hazara despised in society. But when H. Hosseini brings his protagonist to the line, beyond which there is dishonor, a destroyed family, broken ties, broken destinies, crippled souls, you understand how difficult it is to remain a person not in war, under the gun of the enemy, but in everyday life.

What did the kite festival mean to Amir? The competition could bring the teenager the long-awaited respect of his father, his love, interest in his son - this is exactly what the hero counted on, hoping with the help of Hasan to keep the kite in the air for the longest time and find it faster than anyone else. Life disposes differently.
The scene of bullying by Asef, the old enemy of the boys, over Hasan is also impossible to read because we see it through the eyes of a man who has violated the law of friendship, who has not intervened in the ruthless reprisal against the weak and who understands his own meanness, betrayal, baseness. The inner monologues of both the little cowardly Amir and the famous writer who becomes the hero make it possible to understand that the burden of shame, disgrace cannot be thrown off: the secret dishonor, “which in silence gnaws at the soul of a person” (Thomas Mann) is worse than any sentence!
The false accusation of a Khazarian of theft, Hasan’s forced flight from his home, which became his own, the wanderings around the world of Amir himself in an effort to forget the past, start living anew - the novel is full of events, but does not answer the question of how to get rid of memory, free yourself from court of conscience. The ring composition of the work, like a vicious circle, personifies the hopelessness of this struggle and states: dishonor is worse than death. And only in the finale of the novel by H. Hosseini, allowing the hero to again face a choice: to protect little Sohrab or to escape - gives him a chance to save his soul.

Interestingly, the word "honor" is mentioned in the Bible more than a hundred times, and the protection of honor and dignity is given special attention in the basic law of our state. I don’t think it’s by chance that these so different books and documents are unanimous: you can live according to all the canons only by listening to the voice of conscience, following moral laws, and lies, hypocrisy, betrayal are the “privileges” of a miserable existence, which is worse than death.

Publication date: 11/26/2016

EXAMPLE: A verified Final essay on the topic “Mind is given to a person in order to understand that it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings” in the direction of “Mind and Feeling”.

Introduction (Intro):“Reason is given to man in order to understand that it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings” Erich Maria Remarque.
Feelings and reason are the most important components of the inner world of a person. As a rule, they are in harmony, but sometimes a bloody battle begins between them, which is decisive and can radically change the situation. People leading (guided) only by reason, they can live their lives without experiencing true emotions and feelings. Others who greedy for feelings (it is better to avoid this combination of words) sometimes they do very stupid and thoughtless things. I can confirm the correctness of my reasoning with examples from literary works.

A comment: The beginning is very good, but the topic is not covered. Since the topic here is a statement, there are two options: either use the quote itself as the topic, but conveying the meaning in your own words. Or take the statement as a basis and write WHY it is so. In general, the essence of the essay should come down to the fact that a person cannot live without feelings. Plus, it is very important to frame the thesis with introductory words that indicate that this is your personal opinion.

Argument 1:
In the work of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" the author raises the question of reason and feeling. The main characters - Eugene and Tatyana have strong feelings towards each other, but constantly hesitate, not understanding how best to act. Attempts to express her emotions are unsuccessful for Tatyana and do not bear fruit. Eugene, after reading the letter, says that he was created for bliss, and not for family life. This is where their conversation ends. As time goes on, Onegin realizes that he is in love and wants to see Tatyana. She also admits that she loves Eugene, but yielding to her mother's entreaties, she is already married to another. In the end, the mind wins the fight.

A comment: a good argument, and this work can even be used for your theme. But this format is not suitable. You described an example of the victory of reason over feelings, and Remarque wrote that people live by feelings, and this is contrary to the topic.

Argument 2:
Another striking example is the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Ilya Ilyich is the protagonist of the novel, who is tied to one place and has completely lost the incentive to develop. He has long ceased to set goals for himself, because his life goes smoothly and measuredly. He was accustomed to such a life as a child. Oblomov's dream tells us about this. One day, Andrei Stolz makes attempts to help Ilya Ilyich and introduces him to Olga Ilyinskaya, who later becomes Oblomov's lover. Olga is a very smart, well-read girl; constantly evolving. She tries to raise Oblomov to her "ideal", to re-educate, but this is insincere love. Their paths diverge. She is replaced by another woman - Agafya Pshenitsyna: she is very hardworking, cooks well, tries in every possible way to please Ilya Ilyich, and she succeeds. There is complete harmony in their relationship. They are very good together. In this work, the author helps to understand that sincere feelings are a huge force that can work wonders.

"Reason and feelings are two forces equally in need of each other"(V.G. Belinsky).

As I mentioned in a review of the final essay (statement) in the 2016-2017 academic year (), in order to better highlight the theme of his direction "Sense and Sensibility" from Russian authors, I would advise taking "War and Peace" by L. Tolstoy, "Eugene Onegin" by A. Pushkin, "Poor Lisa" by N. Karamzin.

But, before proceeding to the disclosure of the theme of feelings and reason in the main part of the essay, in the introductory part it should be given a concept of what what is feeling and what is mind.

As it is written in the explanatory dictionaries of V. Dahl "Feeling - the ability to perceive consciously the activity of the external world", and D. Ushakov, "Feeling is the ability of a living being to perceive external impressions, to feel, to experience something."

And what about the mind?

By Dahl "Mind is a spiritual force that can remember (comprehend, cognize)", Ushakov - "The highest stage of human cognitive activity, the ability to think logically, comprehending the meaning and connection of phenomena, to understand the laws of development of the world, society and consciously find appropriate ways to transform them."

There is often a conflict between reason and feeling. It is very difficult to subordinate feelings to reason, especially if they are hot and sincere.

(Erich Maria Remarque).

In the main part of the essay, one should proceed directly to the analysis of the relations between the characters of the chosen work.

1. Take for example "Eugene Onegin". It will be much clearer to many future graduates.

What do we see?

And we see a young charmer, Tatyana Larina, in whose heart love flared up, which is probably the strongest and deepest feelings that one person can experience in relation to another. Love for the windy, jaded Eugene Onegin.

"My whole life has been a pledge
Faithful goodbye to you;
I know you were sent to me by God
Until the grave you are my keeper ... "

What about Onegin? He doesn't care about Tatyana's feelings.

"He no longer fell in love with beauties,
And dragged somehow;
Refuse - instantly comforted;
Will change - I was glad to have a rest.

Time passed and a miracle happened - Onegin, after all, fell in love with Tatyana, but the trouble is, his beloved is no longer free, she got married.

And happiness was so possible
So close!..
But my destiny
Already decided."

Having met her at the ball, Eugene sees that Tatyana still continues to love him, but she, in response to his declaration of love, says:

"I love you (why lie?),
But I am given to another;
I will forever be faithful to him ... "

In this work, we see how the mind was able to curb, defeat the feelings of love in favor of another feeling - duty, honor, loyalty, respect for another person.

2. If we consider the opposition of reason and feeling on the example of " War and Peace", then here, on the contrary, feelings prevailed over reason.

At the heart of the conflict of feelings and reason are relationships between Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova, his fiancee and Anatole Kuragin.

Everything, of course, could have been different if the groom had not gone abroad, if Kuragin had not turned up at the moment when the girl was in sadness, who looked at Natasha with an "admiring, affectionate look" ...

Well, she couldn't resist him. Youth, the thirst for love, reckless love, have done their job. Natasha succumbed to a fit of passion, although later she regretted it.

In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the role that mind and feelings play in human life.

An example is the statements of the great representatives of mankind, for example:

"Reason is undoubtedly the highest ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions"(N.V. Gogol)
"Love is a delightful deceit to which a person consents of his own free will"(A.S. Pushkin)
"Reason is given to man in order to understand: one cannot live by reason alone, people live by feelings"(Erich Maria Remarque), etc.

There are writers whose works have not lost popularity for decades, or even hundreds of years. One of these is the German writer Erich Maria Remarque, a representative of the literature of the lost generation. We offer you a selection of quotes from the most famous works of Remarque. He wrote about everything: about love, about life, kindness, about deeds, about women. Here you will find quotes from the Arc de Triomphe, from the Three Comrades, from Life on Loan and others.

A feature of the work of Erich Maria Remarque is the destruction of stereotypes. The most significant and large-scale novel is considered All Quiet on the Western Front. This was the first work written by Remarque. He entered the trilogy of novels of the lost generation along with the works of Hemingway and Aldington. In it, the author expressed his opposition to military slogans, exposing the horror of war.

Remarque's works were banned for some time, they were even burned by the Nazis. But the truth took its toll, and the time came when Remarque's work was appreciated.

Remember one thing, boy: never, never, never again will you be ridiculous in the eyes of a woman if you do something for her. (Three comrades)

Women do not ridicule those who idolize them.

Loneliness is easier when you don't love. (Three comrades)

But sometimes it is unbearable.

How strange these young people are. You hate the past, you despise the present, and you are indifferent to the future. It probably won't lead to a happy ending. (Three comrades)

Wherever you turn, there is discontent everywhere.

It's no shame to be born a fool. But it's a shame to die a fool. (Three comrades)

Life is given in order to learn something.

Every love wants to be eternal, and this is its eternal torment. (Three comrades)

Nothing in this world lasts forever.

Only the one who has been alone more than once knows the happiness of meeting with his beloved. (Three comrades)

The rarer the meetings, the more you appreciate them.

No person can become more alien than the one you loved in the past. (Three comrades)

Parting makes enemies out of lovers.

Reason is given to man so that he understands that it is impossible to live by reason alone. (Three comrades)

Living only with the mind is not interesting, sometimes we must be guided by feelings.

Just don't let anyone get close to you. And if you let it go, you want to keep it. And nothing can be kept... (Three comrades)

The more we try to hold on to something, the more it moves away from us.

Everything passes - this is the surest truth in the world. (Three comrades)

Everything is fleeting, nothing is eternal.

It is better to die when you want to live than to live to the point that you want to die. (Three comrades)

If there is no interest in life, then there is no one who would keep you in this world ...

People are even more of a poison than alcohol or tobacco. (Three comrades)

Alcohol poisons the stomach and brain, tobacco poisons the lungs, and people poison the soul.

It seemed to me that a woman should not tell a man that she loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about it. They are more eloquent than any words. (Three comrades)

Eyes can tell more than words.

It's hard to find words when you really have something to say. And even if the right words come, you are ashamed to say them. (Three comrades)

Never be ashamed to say what you feel.

Happiness is the most uncertain and costly thing in the world. (Three comrades)

It is difficult to explain what happiness is, but it certainly has its own taste.

Who is alone will not be abandoned. (Three comrades)

But he won't be happy either.

It is a mistake to assume that all people have the same ability to feel. (Three comrades)

Everyone feels differently.

Life is a disease, and death begins at birth. In every breath, in every beat of the heart, there is already a little bit of dying - all these are shocks that bring us closer to the end. (Three comrades)

How can life be equated with death, and even from birth?

If you want to live, it means that there is something that you love. It's harder that way, but it's easier that way. (Three comrades)

So, there is someone to live for.

I dressed slowly. It made me feel like Sunday. (Three comrades)

Sunday exists so that people can take their time.

Without love, a person is nothing more than a dead man on vacation. (Three comrades)

Life without love is just a miserable existence.

Women should either be idolized or left. Everything else is a lie. (Triumphal Arch)

Of course, worship!

Those who don't expect anything will never be disappointed. (Triumphal Arch)

He who does not demand much from life will appreciate the little.

Those who look back too often can easily stumble and fall. (Triumphal Arch)

Going with the flow of life, you only need to look ahead.

Only the one who has lost everything for which it is worth living is free. (Triumphal Arch)

Free but unhappy.

Love cannot be explained. She needs action. (Triumphal Arch)

Love is tested not by words, but by deeds.

We! What an unusual word! The most mysterious thing in the world. (Triumphal Arch)

The one who loves, "I" replaces with "We".

Who wants to keep - he loses. Who is ready to let go with a smile - they try to keep him. (Life on loan)

The Law of Attraction works even when we don't count on it.

People have lost respect for death. And this happened because of two world wars. (Life on loan)

It's scary when death becomes commonplace.

The death of one person is death, and the death of two million is just a statistic. (Life on loan)

To hell with statistics if loved ones leave.

There will always be people worse off than you. (Life on loan)

But this is no reason for gloating.

In general, I want to live without reasoning, without listening to advice, without any warnings. Live the way you live. (Life on loan)

Sometimes you just need to go with the flow.

What you can't get always seems better than what you have. This is the romance and idiocy of human life. (Black obelisk)

But when you manage to get it, you yourself are perplexed how it seemed better ...)

If a woman belongs to someone else, she is five times more desirable than one that can be obtained - an old rule. (Black obelisk)

Someone else always attracts more than his own.

At midnight, the universe smells like stars. (Black obelisk)

The night has the smell of freedom, the stars and the moon.

Only if you finally part with a person, you begin to be truly interested in everything that concerns him. This is one of the paradoxes of love. (Black obelisk)

And you begin to appreciate only when you lose.

The more primitive a person, the higher his opinion of himself. (Love thy neighbour)

And the smarter, the more modest ...

There is nothing more tiring than to be present when a person demonstrates his mind. Especially if there is no mind. (Shadows in paradise)

If you have a mind, you don't have to show it, let alone prove it.

Women do not need to explain anything, you always need to act with them. (Overnight in Lisbon)

The stereotype that women do not understand much has long been outdated.

Just happy now only cows. (A time to live and a time to die)

My cat is doing well too...

How much grief and longing still fits in two such small spots that can be covered with one finger - in human eyes. (All Quiet on the Western Front)

The eyes reflect both internal disappointment and bewilderment from the outside world.

Hatred is an acid that corrodes the soul; it doesn't matter whether you hate yourself or feel the hatred of another. (Overnight in Lisbon)

Hatred is the strongest poison.

The most wonderful city is the one where a person is happy. ( Overnight in Lisbon

And he is happy where he is always welcome.

You can talk about happiness for five minutes, no more. There's nothing to say except that you're happy. And people talk about misfortune all night long. (Shadows in paradise)

In general, they try to keep silent about happiness, but they demonstrate misfortune to everyone.

They always die too soon, even if the person is ninety. (A time to live and a time to die)

A couple more decades of life will never hurt a person ...

You must be having a hard time if you still believe in justice. (A time to live and a time to die)

Are you looking for it everywhere but can't find it anywhere?

It's good to have cigarettes. Sometimes it's even better than friends. Cigarettes are not confusing. They are silent friends. (A time to live and a time to die)

Cigarettes calm the nerves, but kill health.

As long as a person does not give up, he is stronger than his fate.

The most important thing in this life is never give up.

Nothing is lost yet,” I repeated. You lose a man only when he dies.

As long as everyone is alive, everything can be fixed.

If you want people not to notice anything, you don't have to be careful.

The more you hide something, the more it leaks out.

A woman is not metal furniture for you; she is a flower. She doesn't want business. She needs sunny, sweet words. It is better to say something pleasant to her every day than to work for her all your life with sullen frenzy.

A woman blooms like a flower when beautiful and tender words are spoken to her.

I stood next to her, listened to her, laughed and thought how terrible it is to love a woman and be poor.

It is much easier for the rich to love.
